Need help? Find the answers to your questions by clicking on the topic that interests you.
– – Who are Maya Suite products designed for?
– – How is Maya Suite implemented?
– – What is the investment required to implement the Maya Suite in my company?
– – How can I optimize my teams’ time?
– – I am a nurse, how can I optimize my patient care?
– – How can I make sure I use all the available time slots?
– – My CLSC refers a lot of cases to me; How can I make sure all information is well communicated?
– – How can I assure the quality of services in the field?
– – How can I optimize my employees’ travel time?
– – I want to have a record of equipment that is in the possession of my clients or my field workers.
– – Reconciling schedules and time sheets is a real headache!
– – How to convert my timesheets for import into my accounting software?
– – How can I simplify all my accounting?
– – I want to compile my results easily
– – How can I be sure that all services given to my clients are properly invoiced?
– – How can I best manage documents from the field?
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